Doctors Office
Frankfurter Straße 71
63067 Offenbach
Patients with statutory health insurance
Privately insured
Frankfurter Straße 71
63067 Offenbach
Patients with statutory health insurance
Privately insured
Monday to Friday
8:00 - 12:00 am
Monday and Tuesday
1:15 - 4.:30 pm
Wednesday and Friday
Closed in the afternoon
Afternoon for self-pay or privately insured patients
Telephone: 069 - 88 23 72
Monday to Friday
8:00 - 11:00
Monday and Tuesday
13:15 - 15:30
Fax: 069 - 82 36 53 08
General gynaecology
Cancer screening
Gynaecology ultrasound
Mammary Sonography
Medical consultation for elderly women
Medical care for gynaecology releated cancer disease
Pregnant care
Special Offerings
We are providing a variety of individual medical care offerings - in Germany known as IGel (individuelle Gesundheitsleistungen). Please ask Dr. Guthier for more details. You will get thoroughly information on our offerings.
PraenaTest® - Read more: lifecodexx
We charge our IGel-offerings according to the „German Medical Fee Index“ (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte - GOÄ)
Dr. med. C. Guthier
Lydia Gotscharek
Medical assistant
Certified practice manager
QM representative
Certified Medatixx specialist
In practice since 1994
Birgit Haus
Medical assistant
Certified mammcare trainer
DMP Desease Management Programme
In practice since 1989
We are looking for a new Teammember
Medical assistant
Please contact us!
Full time or part time
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